Top 5 Foods That Only Belong in Maryland

Born and raised on the eastern shore of Maryland, I had the luxury of growing up eating only the best seafood around. With the Chester River and Chesapeake Bay near by, I grew up fishing and crabbing with my dad and uncle. Those long, hot summers were the best time of the year as we would catch and cook the food we caught that same day. Striper fish and blue crabs are what made the best dinners during the summers, and is perhaps why I refuse to eat them anywhere outside of the Chesapeake Bay region. Here are my top 5 favorite foods that don’t compare to anywhere else found outside of Maryland:

images.jpegSteamed Crabs

This may be an obvious one, but I have yet to travel to place where I can catch, steam, and peel and eat crabs and have them taste as good as they do at home. Maybe it’s the Old Bay seasoning and a pile of corn on the cob to accompany them, but this is truly part of Maryland’s culture. Many people will have crab feasts during the summer season, and Baltimore hosts one of the biggest ones in June. Click here to learn more about what these feasts entail and why us Marylanders rave about them.

images-1Crab Cakes

We have the best crabs, so it only makes sense that we would have the best crab cakes as well. Once you pick all your crab meat (you’ll need about a pound to make 4-5 cakes), you add mayonnaise, mustard, and whatever other ingredients you like and fry or bake them. Although you can’t go wrong getting a crab cake anywhere in Maryland, G&M Restaurant right outside of Baltimore ranks pretty high, and any local will tell you the same.

UnknownCrab Dip

This is one of everyone’s favorite dish, and recipes vary. Between the freshness of the crabs and other staple ingredients, it is easy to understand why this dish is so famous. Unless you’ve eaten it locally, no other states’ crab dip compares to the taste and quality of ours. Many places will add additional spices and vegetables, but locals know to keep it simple. Here is a great recipe to use.

Unknown-1.jpegFried Striper

Fried Striper, or locally known as Rock Fish, is a delicacy I always looked forward to after my dad returned from a fishing trip. Once again, the freshness and quality are what sets this dish apart from other places where you can find it. My dad always kept it simple-just add bread crumbs and fry in a skillet.

Unknown-2.jpegMaryland Crab Soup

It only sounds right that one would get Maryland Crab Soup in Maryland. Using our famous Old Bay seasoning, vegetables, and crab meat, this dish ranks very high with locals in addition to all the others. Other regions can replicate the recipe, but would be crazy to think that theirs would compare to what you find in state.


Note: In Tampa/St. Pete area? The Brass Monkey is a Maryland themed restaurant that prioritizes their ingredients to match the quality of those found in Maryland. It’s almost as good as home!)

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